------------------------------------------------------------------------ r28 | afadoomer | 2014-05-04 10:32:02 -0400 (Sun, 04 May 2014) | 3 lines - Initial implementation of sector-specific informant messages - Initial implementation of some enemies being able to pick up health and ammo items - Fixed map marker for Biotechs/Informants ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r27 | afadoomer | 2014-04-21 01:19:38 -0400 (Mon, 21 Apr 2014) | 6 lines - Added support for alternate door sounds -- Tweaked map converter and re-converted all maps - More tweaks to message scripts to keep bot and enemy messages for showing up on the player's screen - Tweaked state jump code in BioTech definitions; added more state jump checks -- If a BioTech was in line of sight of the player spawn and alerted, odd things would happen ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r26 | afadoomer | 2014-04-20 22:53:19 -0400 (Sun, 20 Apr 2014) | 17 lines - Updated conversion tool and reconverted all levels -- Re-added 'walkover' door opening for enemy actors -- Re-worked how switch information is handled - Added cross-level switch functionality; re-tweaked all switch code - Added working teleporter script and effects - Preliminary work to add enabling specific messages for informants in certain sectors - Cleaned up message code so that players don't see messages generated by enemies - Added ^f (Floor) to ExpandString function - Fixed issue where players dieing and restoring to a save point would lose weapons and life when changing levels - Disabled Patrol.Clip in BioTech definition, where I missed disabling it before - Added a missing Jump statement that caused BioTechs to not turn around properly - Reduced BioTech meleerange to 0 to avoid spastic firing animations - Removed unneeded code from Decorate definition for Biotech and Informant - Fixed 'Frightened' behavior of BioTechs (they now run away when out of ammo, as they are supposed to) - Added switch (de)activation and teleport strings to Language.txt - Changed Basement map levelnum to 11 to fix some issues with passing 0 as a parameter - Re-defined switch textures ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r25 | afadoomer | 2014-04-17 21:13:20 -0400 (Thu, 17 Apr 2014) | 2 lines - Added support for automatic door triggers - Re-converted all maps ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r24 | afadoomer | 2014-04-16 21:23:48 -0400 (Wed, 16 Apr 2014) | 1 line - Re-upload working copy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r23 | afadoomer | 2014-04-16 21:21:03 -0400 (Wed, 16 Apr 2014) | 6 lines - Added check to keep elevator screen from loading while level is loading - Added check to remove attacker/pickup icon during elevator screen access - Changed some checks in door script so that locked one-directional doors didn't take key items if attempted from the blocked side - Changed indexing algorithm for item pick messages to make hub-friendly - Removed blood from some actors that shouldn't bleed when shot - Removed Patrol.Clip state from patrolling enemies, as some were making their way outside the map ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r22 | afadoomer | 2014-04-14 21:10:24 -0400 (Mon, 14 Apr 2014) | 2 lines - Updated one of the electro-sphere spawn IDs in the conversion tool - Re-converted all maps ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r21 | afadoomer | 2014-04-14 20:55:15 -0400 (Mon, 14 Apr 2014) | 13 lines - Added 'No way' sound to SndInfo - Fixed missing closing brackets ('}') in SndInfo that were making Biotech and Informant death sounds not play - Added 'No way' sound to food unit script - Added item pickup sounds to Informant handout script - Added 360-degree look radius to all enemies with no rotations - Tweaked Biotech and Informant behavior so that they stayed standing still if they weren't already moving - Fixed hard-coded points value for Biotech - Restored moving Biotechs and Informants that were inadvertently removed in conversion tool -- Re-converted all maps - Re-added token-giving to Informants that was inadvertently removed - Fixed spawn IDs for some moving enemies - Tweaked Plasma Alien definition to fix initialization problems that were occurring ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r20 | afadoomer | 2014-04-14 00:13:22 -0400 (Mon, 14 Apr 2014) | 2 lines - Changed g_version CVar to a string - Added version number display to the main title page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r19 | afadoomer | 2014-04-13 23:48:50 -0400 (Sun, 13 Apr 2014) | 2 lines - Added definition for 'Death' mugshot - Fixed player death sound that was not defined properly ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r18 | afadoomer | 2014-04-13 22:58:20 -0400 (Sun, 13 Apr 2014) | 11 lines - Added initial support for real-time updated rotating map -- Script is W_DrawMapRefresh (x, y, zoom) -- Zoom is partially implemented and buggy - Added dirty work-around for off-by-one rounding errors in texture drawing that allowed slivers of the 3D view to show through the loading screen - Adjusted some decorate and ACS for the informants and biotechs -- Restored token-giving for all informant, all skill levels -- Fixed weapon alerting of both informants and biotechs -- Biotechs and Informants now revert to the proper state after conversations - Added less engine-accurate but better looking PDU projectile - same functionality - Fixed custom attack string for rotating turret - Significant cleanup on my internal build batch files ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r17 | afadoomer | 2014-04-11 00:18:30 -0400 (Fri, 11 Apr 2014) | 6 lines - Fixed ammo use amount of Plasma Discharge Unit - Cleaned up some message processing code -- Removed code that was duplicated in ExpandString function, used that instead -- Added 's' and 'i' types to allow insertion of string or int from code - Moved Level and Episode variable set to Enter script - Added automated build process to increment a CVar based on SVN build number ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r16 | afadoomer | 2014-04-10 00:25:20 -0400 (Thu, 10 Apr 2014) | 5 lines - Reworked door opening script to fix some issues with one-way doors -- Tweaked map conversion tool to correct some additional issues -- Added handling for conversion of locked one-way doors (don't know if they're ever used) - Added a .cfg setting to force autoaim on - Reconverted all Episode 1 maps with updated conversion tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r15 | afadoomer | 2014-04-09 19:29:21 -0400 (Wed, 09 Apr 2014) | 1 line - Added direct pre-built core .pk7 to archive to avoid need to download entire resource package ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r14 | afadoomer | 2014-04-09 19:25:28 -0400 (Wed, 09 Apr 2014) | 27 lines - Added mask images to elevator, brief, and endgame screens to make widescreen-friendly - Tweaked W_TabMap and W_ElevatorPanel activation logic so that they don't interfere with each other - Expanded ExpandString function to allow for truncation to first word -- Added ChangeCase function to force all lower, all caps, or first letter capitalized -- Changed ^k+key to return only first key, with first letter capitalized -- Added IsLetter function to quickly identify if a character is a letter. Needs to be expanded for non-en character codes -- Added InStr function to string handling capabilities - Added initial version of refreshing map display (not used in-game) - Added additional array for mapping to streamline map pixel re-draws - Doubled speed of MapView projectiles - Back-ported DoWolfMovement function from Wolf3D TC - Added mission-specific image handling to Brief screen vs. hardcoded lump name - Reversed up/down key handling on Briefing screen (down pages forward now) - Fixed W_TabMap and Exit script stat snapshotting (order of items assigned to array values was wrong) -- Fixes stat bars overflowing across the screen - Fixed CheckHighScore logic - string integer value comparison was incomplete - Added missing Death/drop state to SecurityGuard - Fixed z offset height for some A_CustomMissile calls - Added +NOTONAUTOMAP to GoldfireSpawner - Reduced Goldfire Painchance to 12.5% - Added SpiderMutant definition, tweaked missile calls to be more accurate to original - Corrected some projectile sounds - Swapped BSCharge and BSChargeDropped sprites - Added SpiderMutant 'Attacking' status bar animation definition - Added use of ExpandString function to Elevator and Brief screens - Tweaked menu definition slightly - Fixed Xylan Orb sprite definition ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r13 | afadoomer | 2014-04-05 20:09:05 -0400 (Sat, 05 Apr 2014) | 24 lines - Hacked temporary fix to make Mission Stat Counter more accurate - Re-worked map marking code to be more streamlined -- Array now has a 'viewed/not' field and a 'color' field - Added texture changes for unlocking doors -- Updated map2wad code and re-converted all maps - Added check to mapview spawning to limits spawning when player isn't moving - Fixed switch activation sound - Added expanding string function for episode number and keycode -- Putting ^e in a language lump string and passing it through this function replaces the ^e with the episode number -- Using something like ^k+use inserts the bound key(s) into the string - Added pad function to add leading zeros to numbers - Added Briefing Screen script for level startup - Added 'Loading' inventory item for changing top bar message on level load - Changed KeyPressed function to return key value - Added some checks to maintain player states between freezes/conversations - Changed Goldfire spawn state to mimic his Cardinal-direction blindness - Fixed Xylan Orb sprite definition - Added map marking calls to all actors - Added animation to briefing screen graphic - Removed resources to separate archive file -- Acts as IWAD for gameinfo purposes - Tweaked font width definitions - Added mission brief strings to language.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r12 | afadoomer | 2014-03-30 23:01:56 -0400 (Sun, 30 Mar 2014) | 19 lines - Added Blake Stone-style automap and associated functions - Cleaned up statistic handling - Added Blake Stone-style map (defaults to 'q') - Fixed ceiling change code to not reset ceiling/floor if no changer is present in the level - Added Episode 1 end-of-game - Tweaked conversion tool to handle Blake Stone end-of-game triggers -- Fixed texture issues on walls bordering walkover lines -- Re-converted all maps - Added ADLIB sounds and updated SndInfo.txt - Fixed various inventory and item sounds - Fixed electric column state jumps that were causing erratic behavior - Added high-score code, back-ported and upgraded from Wol3D TC - Added startup/endgame messages to Language.txt - Added some bonus messages to Language.txt - Added level music entries for some maps - Extracted TITLEMAP.wad scripts and recompiled - Added display of debug mode message on top bar when cheating - Added Elevator Text Colors - Added Blake Automap square textures ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r11 | afadoomer | 2014-03-25 01:37:20 -0400 (Tue, 25 Mar 2014) | 3 lines - Fixed life system within hubs -- Relies on a cvar, so I don't like it, but it works - Added my build .bat file to the repository ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r10 | afadoomer | 2014-03-24 22:31:32 -0400 (Mon, 24 Mar 2014) | 44 lines - Major script structure changes -- Added Elevator Panel handling scripts -- Back-ported on-screen message scripts from Wolf 3D TC -- Back-ported position-saving script from Wolf 3D TC -- Added 'A_CheckWeapon' function to handle 'out of ammo' and 'weapon ready' messages -- Backported debug scripts from Wolf 3D TC -- Fixed door opening sound -- Added RETURN script for initial hub work -- Added R.E.B.A. level start message -- Added all keys to the 'deathmatch' startups -- Swapped all 'goobers' references for 'powerball' -- Added some logic to BioTech initialization script to keep it from running more than once per actor -- Added special handling for Goldfire's health on level 9 (multiplied by 15) -- Added some handling to eliminate invalidly tagged items from generating weird pickup messages -- Added console-only flag for SetMessage function -- Tweaked Platform (ElectroSphere) mover script to allow freezing via script -- Added Goldfire spawn check scripts and drop check scripts - Added Blake Stone CONFONT - Added message border graphics - Added Credits page - Added Elevator screen border graphic - Added new 'Life' image for fullscreen hud - Many Decorate additions -- Added spawn delay to all actors to allow freeze at level start before alert sounds play -- Added FluidAlien, Goldfire, GoldfireSpawner, and boss projectiles -- Fixed Electrosphere freezing -- Removed damage effect from plasma column (only arc damages) -- Added Zoomfactor to all weapons to set FOV -- Added A_CheckWeapon to all weapons to set selection and no ammo messages - Fixed spacing on medium font - Updated KeyConf.txt to go with Blake Stone instead of Wolf 3D - Language lump additions -- Fixed line break in weapon selection message -- Added level name strings -- Added Elevator strings -- Added cheat message strings -- Added startup messages - Added gamedefaults to MapInfo.txt, and made level names language lump lookups - Fixed Load/Save menu titles and color of player setup menu - Added check to draw top status bar over automap when elevator is active - Cleaned up and reorganized SndInfo.txt, added missing definitions - Added elevator-specific colors to TextColors.txt - Re-converted maps 0-10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r9 | afadoomer | 2014-03-15 09:13:14 -0400 (Sat, 15 Mar 2014) | 23 lines - Updated door opening speed (still had Wolf speed - doubled for BS) - Added exploding crate objects/spawners -- Redid A_Drop function (backported from Wolf TC), expanded for exploding crate use - Variable amount charge pickups gave 1 more than they were supposed to - Implemented Turret enemies -- Added initial Decorate for both revolving and static turrets -- Added 'NoTurret' damagetype to pistols - Added initial Decorate for Volatile Transports - Made pool of water into a health pickup (like blood pool in Wolf) - Swapped thing number for two items that were mixed up (fern and lab desk) - Added handling for health pickup debris (meat, sandwich, candy bar) - Fixed Xylan Orb to be a point item, not a Life - Added NOTONAUTOMAP flag to several items (monster blocks, messages, ceiling texture changers, etc.) - Backported object-based secret counting from Wolf TC - Corrected thing numbers for monster crate objects - Added NOBLOOD to decoration objects template - Added missing thing number for variable drop charge pack - Backported ranged firing strength from Wolf TC - Re-tweaked some weapon animations based on Blake source - Removed some Wolf variables from CVarInfo.txt; tweaked version to 0.1 - Added attacker name string for revolving turrets - Reconverted/Added maps 1-10 and Basement, added to MapInfo.txt - Added generic explosion sprite definitions to Textures.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r8 | afadoomer | 2014-03-08 14:07:10 -0500 (Sat, 08 Mar 2014) | 22 lines - Cleaned up code -- Removed unused scripts -- Removed old commented out code -- Removed Wolf3D-pecific logic (giving yellow key on SOD map 18, deathcam, etc.) -- Converted some scripts to named scripts -- Added 'FadeToRed' function -- Added line to game loop to clean up hud/attacker icon when switching to fullscreen hud - Fixed check in 'A_Frightened' that made BioTechs always attack on first conversation - Re-worked how pickup messages work --Removed need for dummy pickup item to be spawned - Added bouncing Electro-Sphere -- Ported 'Platform' movement code to control Electro-Sphere movement -- Raised MonsterBlock height to 2, so that Electro-Spheres are blocked, but they still pass over standard pickups - Added initial Plasma Alien definition - Added missing item definitions - Changed message map markers to be TNT1A instead of UNKNA - Fixed player sprite names(rear view, at least) -- Added color ranges for translation to players.txt - Added empty Blood object definition to get rid of automap artifacts - Re-worked electro and plasma columns to actually damage players - Cleaned up some weapon definitions - Fixed DND weapon pickup sprite definition ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r7 | afadoomer | 2014-03-02 19:10:01 -0500 (Sun, 02 Mar 2014) | 8 lines - Changed some scripts to named scripts - Added Informant/Loyalist/Alarm message item and appropriate handling scripts - Added points to enemy stat definitions -- Added script to populate points at runtime - Tweaked base enemy definition to be more inclusive -- Eliminated some now-duplicate data from some enemy definitions - Added attacking icon animation and texture info for columns - Re-converted maps and added all episode 1 maps to .pk7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r6 | afadoomer | 2014-03-02 09:38:20 -0500 (Sun, 02 Mar 2014) | 17 lines - Reworked ceiling/floor texture code to allow map items to set colors -- Added textures for every Blake Stone Palette color -- Added g_texturedflats cvar to control if the floor/ceiling are colored or textured -- Added TextureMarker and ColorMarker items to control flat textures - Fixed key item names in polyobject door code - Fixed one way doors - Fixed secret doors to no longer get stuck and be completely immobile if they hit an object - Fixed separate food unit types (Drink - 7 health, Food - 10 health) - Added function to echo script error information to screen - Added temporary end level message for demo -- Added briefing page texture -- Added briefing page text colors to TextColors.txt - Fixed height of air vents (1 to block enemies/secret doors) - Added default CVAR set in CVarInfo.txt - Added Gold Key pickup string to Language.txt and fixed dead informant message color - Changed status bar score number interpolation to work more quickly - Re-converted E1L1 with updated maptowad ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r5 | afadoomer | 2014-02-26 23:29:36 -0500 (Wed, 26 Feb 2014) | 3 lines - Minor tweaks to Informant interrogation script - Added framework for handling for ceiling/floor textures - Fixed off-by-one variables in cleanup from loading screen status bar ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4 | afadoomer | 2014-02-26 22:25:47 -0500 (Wed, 26 Feb 2014) | 4 lines - Added launcher .bat file - Added skyflatname to MapInfo.txt - Cleaned up duplicate editor ID - Added consolidated .pk7 of TC to repository ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3 | afadoomer | 2014-02-26 19:18:15 -0500 (Wed, 26 Feb 2014) | 19 lines - Reworked font images and TextColors.txt to make all text brighter - Fixed Monster-blocking thing - Back-ported Freeze script from Wolf3D TC - Added code to make Food Units functional (still need to fix food vs. drink dispensers) - Added code to alert script to properly wake BioTechs - Added interrogation code to handle BioTech and Informant interactions - Updated Language.txt definitions for interrogation messages - Added array-based solution for assigning hitpoints by skill level - Added script to handle "frightened" behavior - Added hacky workaround for item pickup messages - Added Blake level loading screen - Added basic .cfg file to TC - Re-worked base TC enemy and some enemy definitions - Refined weapon definitions - Added CONFONT.lmp form Wolf3D TC - Updated screen border images - Added generically named VGA screen elements and cleaned up some graphics - Added MenuDef.txt and associated string definitions - Updated sound definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2 | afadoomer | 2013-07-21 19:53:46 -0400 (Sun, 21 Jul 2013) | 1 line - Cleanup of unneeded files ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r1 | afadoomer | 2013-07-21 19:48:52 -0400 (Sun, 21 Jul 2013) | 1 line - Initial commit of Blake Stone TC working copy ------------------------------------------------------------------------