//Decorations and Pickups in Wolfenstein 3D //BJ for 'running to escape' end sequences ACTOR BJVictory 20000 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 TNT1 A 1 ACS_NamedExecute("W_VictorySetup", 0, x, y, angle * 256 / 360) Stop } } ACTOR BJ { MONSTER - COUNTKILL - SOLID - SHOOTABLE +FRIENDLY +FULLVOLDEATH +INVULNERABLE +NOTARGET +AMBUSH Renderstyle None Height 0 Radius 0 Speed 4 Health 5 DeathSound "bj/yell" States { Spawn: Melee: Missile: BJJU AAABBBCCCDDD 2 A_Look Loop See: BJJU ABCD 6 ThrustThing (angle * 256 / 360, 1, 0, 0) BJJU ABCD 6 ThrustThing (angle * 256 / 360, 1, 0, 0) BJJU ABCD 6 ThrustThing (angle * 256 / 360, 1, 0, 0) Death: Jump: BJJU EF 7 BJJU G 7 A_Scream BJJU H -1 Stop } } ACTOR WolfDecoration { +Solid //Combining 'Solid' with a Height of 0 lets actors Radius 32 // walk over these seamlessly if the actor has the Height 0 // CANPASS flag... Otherwise they are blocked. States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 "####" A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways ("SetMapMarker", 0, 1) "####" A 0 A_Jump(256, "Static") Static: UNKN A -1 Stop } } ACTOR WolfHealth : Health { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 "####" A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways ("SetMapMarker", 0, 1) "####" A 0 A_Jump(256, "Static") Static: TNT1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR WolfKey : Key { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 "####" A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways ("SetMapMarker", 0, 1) "####" A 0 A_Jump(256, "Static") Static: TNT1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR WolfCustomInventory : CustomInventory { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 "####" A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways ("SetMapMarker", 0, 1) "####" A 0 A_Jump(256, "Static") Static: TNT1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR WolfScoreItem : ScoreItem { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 "####" A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways ("SetMapMarker", 0, 1) "####" A 0 A_Jump(256, "Static") Static: TNT1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR PushableWolfDecoration : SwitchableDecoration { Mass 10000 Radius 28 Height 64 +Solid +UseSpecial Activation THINGSPEC_Activate | THINGSPEC_Switch | THINGSPEC_ThingTargets | THINGSPEC_ThingActs States { Spawn: "####" A 1 Wait Inactive: Active: "####" A 1 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("W_DoPushObject", 0, 128) Goto Spawn } } // From Here on, entries retain original actor order, // just converted Hex numbers to Decimal, added 21000 ACTOR PoolofWater : WolfDecoration 21023 { -SOLID States { Static: POL1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR OilDrum : WolfDecoration 21024 { Height 30 States { Static: BARL A -1 Stop } } ACTOR ExplodingOilDrum : OilDrum { Health 20 DeathSound "missile/hit" +SHOOTABLE +NOBLOOD +ACTIVATEMCROSS +DONTGIB +NOICEDEATH +OLDRADIUSDMG Translation "96:111=32:47", "88:95=48:55", "80:87=56:63", "2:2=4:4", "10:10=12:12" States { Death: WBXP A 5 Bright WBXP B 5 Bright A_Scream WBXP C 5 Bright WBXP D 5 Bright A_Explode WBXP E 10 Bright WBXP E 1050 Bright A_BarrelDestroy WBXP E 5 A_Respawn Wait } } ACTOR TableandChairs : WolfDecoration 21025 { Height 32 States { Static: TAB1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR FloorLamp : WolfDecoration 21026 { Height 32 States { Static: LIT1 A -1 BRIGHT Stop } } ACTOR Chandalier : WolfDecoration 21027 { -SOLID States { Static: LIT3 A -1 BRIGHT Stop } } ACTOR HangingSkeleton : WolfDecoration 21028 { Height 64 States { Static: HNG1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR DogFood : WolfHealth 21029 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 4 Inventory.MaxAmount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/food" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_DOGFOOD" States { Static: HLTH C -1 Loop } } ACTOR StoneColumn : WolfDecoration 21030 { Height 64 States { Static: COLW A -1 Stop } } ACTOR Plant : WolfDecoration 21031 { Height 40 States { Static: PLT1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR Skeleton : WolfDecoration 21032 { -SOLID States { Static: BONE A -1 Stop } } ACTOR Sink : WolfDecoration 21033 { Height 40 States { Static: SINK A -1 Stop } } ACTOR PlantinVase : WolfDecoration 21034 { Height 50 States { Static: PLT2 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR Vase : WolfDecoration 21035 { Height 30 States { Static: VASE A -1 Stop } } ACTOR Table : WolfDecoration 21036 { Height 30 States { Static: TAB2 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR GreenCeilingLight : WolfDecoration 21037 { -SOLID States { Static: LIT5 A -1 BRIGHT Stop } } ACTOR KitchenUtensils : WolfDecoration 21038 { -SOLID States { Static: POT1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR SuitofArmor : WolfDecoration 21039 { Height 64 States { Static: KNIG A -1 Stop } } ACTOR EmptyCage : WolfDecoration 21040 { Height 64 States { Static: CAG1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR Cage : WolfDecoration 21041 { Height 64 States { Static: CAG2 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR Bones : WolfDecoration 21042 { -SOLID States { Static: POB1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR YellowKey : WolfKey 21043 { Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/key" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_YKEY" Inventory.Icon "YKEY" States { Static: KEYS A -1 Stop } } ACTOR BlueKey : WolfKey 21044 { Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/key" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_BKEY" Inventory.Icon "BKEY" States { Static: KEYS B -1 Stop } } ACTOR Bed : WolfDecoration 21045 { Height 30 States { Static: BED1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR Basket : WolfDecoration 21046 { -SOLID States { Static: BASK A -1 Stop } } ACTOR PlateofFood : WolfHealth 21047 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 10 Inventory.MaxAmount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/food" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_FOOD" States { Static: HLTH D -1 Loop } } ACTOR FirstAidKit : WolfHealth 21048 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 25 Inventory.MaxAmount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/medkit" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_FIRSTAID" States { Static: HLTH E -1 Loop } } ACTOR Cross : WolfScoreItem 21052 { +COUNTITEM Inventory.Amount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/cross" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_CROSS" States { Static: TREA A -1 Stop } } ACTOR Chalice : WolfScoreItem 21053 { +COUNTITEM Inventory.Amount 500 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/cup" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_CHALICE" States { Static: TREA C -1 Stop } } ACTOR Chest : WolfScoreItem 21054 { +COUNTITEM Inventory.Amount 1000 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/chest" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_CHEST" States { Static: TREA D -1 Stop } } ACTOR Crown : WolfScoreItem 21055 { +COUNTITEM Inventory.Amount 5000 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/crown" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_CROWN" States { Static: TREA B -1 Stop } } ACTOR LifePickup : WolfCustomInventory 21056 { +COUNTITEM +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 0 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/life" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_LIFE" States { Static: LIFE A -1 Loop Pickup: LIFE A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_GiveLife", 0, 0) Stop } } ACTOR Life : Inventory { //Placeholder for Life Counter // +Inventory.Undroppable Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 10 } ACTOR BoneswithBlood : WolfHealth 21057 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 11 Inventory.PickupSound "slurpie" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_BONES" States { Static: HLTH B -1 Loop } } ACTOR WoodBarrel : WolfDecoration 21058 { Height 30 States { Static: BAR2 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR WellwithWater : WolfDecoration 21059 { Height 30 States { Static: WEL1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR DryWell : WolfDecoration 21060 { Height 30 States { Static: WEL2 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR PoolofBlood : BonesWithBlood 21061 { States { Static: HLTH A -1 Loop } } ACTOR NaziFlag : WolfDecoration 21062 { Height 64 States { Static: FLAG A -1 Stop } } ACTOR AardwolfSign : WolfDecoration 21063 { Height 64 States { Static: AARD A -1 Stop } } ACTOR CrushedBones1 : WolfDecoration 21064 { -SOLID States { Static: POB2 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR CrushedBones2 : WolfDecoration 21065 { -SOLID States { Static: POB3 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR CrushedBody : WolfDecoration 21066 { -SOLID States { Static: POB4 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR HangingUtensils : WolfDecoration 21067 { -SOLID States { Static: POT2 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR Stove : WolfDecoration 21068 { Height 64 States { Static: STOV A -1 Stop } } ACTOR SpearRack : WolfDecoration 21069 { Height 64 States { Static: SPEA A -1 Stop } } ACTOR HangingVines : WolfDecoration 21070 { -SOLID States { Static: VINE A -1 Stop } } ACTOR DeadGuard : WolfDecoration 21124 { States { Static: WBRN N -1 Stop } } ACTOR SkullsonStick : WolfDecoration 21133 { Height 64 States { Static: HEL3 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR BloodyCage : WolfDecoration 21138 { Height 64 States { Static: HEL4 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR CageofSkulls : WolfDecoration 21145 { Height 64 States { Static: HEL2 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR RedCeilingLight : WolfDecoration 21163 { -SOLID States { Static: LITR A -1 Stop } } ACTOR BullHeadonStick : WolfDecoration 21167 { Height 64 States { Static: HEL1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR BloodyWell : WolfDecoration 21168 { Height 64 States { Static: HEL5 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR AngelofDeathStatue : WolfDecoration 21169 { Height 64 States { Static: ADTH A -1 Stop } } ACTOR BrownColumn : WolfDecoration 21171 { Height 64 States { Static: COL2 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR Truck : WolfDecoration 21173 { Height 64 Radius 32 +SOLID +FLOORCLIP +SHOOTABLE +INVULNERABLE +NODAMAGETHRUST States { Static: WTRK A 8 A_Playsound("truck/idle") Loop } } ACTOR SpearofDestiny : WolfCustomInventory replaces Megasphere 21074 { +AUTOACTIVATE +INVENTORY.PERSISTENTPOWER +INVENTORY.BIGPOWERUP +INVENTORY.KEEPDEPLETED Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 0 Inventory.PickupSound "spear/pickup" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_SOD" States { Static: SOFD A -1 Loop Pickup: SOFD A 0 A_GiveInventory("SpearDamagePower") SOFD A 0 A_GiveInventory("SpearRegenPower") Stop } } ACTOR SpearofDestinyLevelEnd : SpearofDestiny 21174 { States { Pickup: SOFD A 0 ACS_NamedExecute("W_DoLevelEnd", 0, 3) Stop } } //Lost Episodes ACTOR PoolofWaterLost : WolfDecoration 21223 { -SOLID States { Static: POL2 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR OilDrumLost : WolfDecoration 21224 { Height 30 States { Static: BAR3 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR TableandChairsLost : WolfDecoration 21225 { Height 32 States { Static: TAB3 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR FloorLampLost : WolfDecoration 21226 { Height 32 States { Static: LIT2 A -1 BRIGHT Stop } } ACTOR ChandalierLost : WolfDecoration 21227 { -SOLID States { Static: LIT4 A -1 BRIGHT Stop } } ACTOR HangingSkeletonLost : WolfDecoration 21228 { Height 64 States { Static: HNG2 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR DogFoodLost : WolfHealth 21229 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 4 Inventory.MaxAmount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/food" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_DOGFOOD" States { Static: HLTH H -1 Loop } } ACTOR StoneColumnLost : WolfDecoration 21230 { Height 64 States { Static: PILW A -1 Stop } } ACTOR PlantLost : WolfDecoration 21231 { Height 40 States { Static: PLT3 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR SkeletonLost : WolfDecoration 21232 { -SOLID States { Static: BONE B -1 Stop } } ACTOR PileofSkullsLost : WolfDecoration 21233 { Height 40 States { Static: POSK A -1 Stop } } ACTOR BrownPlantLost : WolfDecoration 21234 { Height 50 States { Static: PLT4 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR VaseLost : WolfDecoration 21235 { Height 30 States { Static: VAS2 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR TableLost : WolfDecoration 21236 { Height 30 States { Static: TAB4 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR GreenCeilingLightLost : WolfDecoration 21237 { -SOLID States { Static: LIT6 A -1 BRIGHT Stop } } ACTOR CagewithBloodLost : WolfDecoration 21238 { States { Static: CAG6 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR SuitofArmorLost : WolfDecoration 21239 { Height 64 States { Static: KNIG B -1 Stop } } ACTOR EmptyCageLost : WolfDecoration 21240 { Height 64 States { Static: CAG3 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR BrokenCageLost : WolfDecoration 21241 { Height 64 States { Static: CAG4 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR Bones1Lost : WolfDecoration 21242 { -SOLID States { Static: POB6 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR YellowKeyLost : YellowKey 21243 { States { Static: KEYS C -1 Stop } } ACTOR BlueKeyLost : BlueKey 21244 { States { Static: KEYS D -1 Stop } } ACTOR CagewithSkullsLost : WolfDecoration 21245 { Height 30 States { Static: CAG5 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR DeadRatLost: WolfDecoration 21246 { -SOLID States { Static: DRAT A -1 Stop } } ACTOR PlateofFoodLost : WolfHealth 21247 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 10 Inventory.MaxAmount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/food" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_FOOD" States { Static: HLTH I -1 Loop } } ACTOR FirstAidKitLost : WolfHealth 21248 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 25 Inventory.MaxAmount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/medkit" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_FIRSTAID" States { Static: HLTH J -1 Loop } } ACTOR RadioLost : WolfScoreItem 21252 { +COUNTITEM Inventory.Amount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/cross" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_RADIO" States { Static: TREA E -1 Stop } } ACTOR ShellLost: WolfScoreItem 21253 { +COUNTITEM Inventory.Amount 500 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/cup" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_SHELL" States { Static: TREA G -1 Stop } } ACTOR TimerLost : WolfScoreItem 21254 { +COUNTITEM Inventory.Amount 1000 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/chest" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_TIMER" States { Static: TREA H -1 Stop } } ACTOR BombLost : WolfScoreItem 21255 { +COUNTITEM Inventory.Amount 5000 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/crown" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_BOMB" States { Static: TREA F -1 Stop } } ACTOR LifePickupLost : WolfCustomInventory 21256 { +COUNTITEM +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 0 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/life" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_LIFE" States { Static: LIFE B -1 Loop Pickup: LIFE B 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_GiveLife", 0, 0) Stop } } ACTOR BoneswithBloodLost : WolfHealth 21257 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 11 Inventory.PickupSound "slurpie" Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_BONES" States { Static: HLTH G -1 Loop } } ACTOR WoodBarrelLost : WolfDecoration 21258 { Height 30 States { Static: BAR4 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR WellwithWaterLost : WolfDecoration 21259 { Height 30 States { Static: WEL3 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR DryWellLost : WolfDecoration 21260 { Height 30 States { Static: WEL4 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR PoolofBloodLost : BonesWithBlood 21261 { States { Static: HLTH F -1 Loop } } ACTOR ElectrofieldLost : WolfDecoration 21262 { Height 64 States { Static: GZMO A -1 BRIGHT Stop } } ACTOR RedCeilingLightLost : WolfDecoration 21263 { -SOLID States { Static: LIT7 A -1 BRIGHT Stop } } ACTOR Bones2Lost : WolfDecoration 21264 { -SOLID States { Static: POB7 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR LightBulbLost : WolfDecoration 21265 { -SOLID States { Static: LIT8 A -1 BRIGHT Stop } } ACTOR SlimeLost : WolfDecoration 21266 { -SOLID States { Static: GGOO A -1 Stop } } ACTOR HLabTableLost : WolfDecoration 21267 { States { Static: TAB5 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR RadioactiveBarrelLost : WolfDecoration 21268 { Height 64 States { Static: BAR5 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR PipeLost: WolfDecoration 21269 { Height 64 States { Static: PiPE A -1 Stop } } ACTOR BubblesLost: WolfDecoration 21270 { -SOLID States { Static: BUBL A -1 Stop } } ACTOR DeadGuardLost : WolfDecoration 21324 { States { Static: WGRN N -1 Stop } } ACTOR DemonStatueLost: WolfDecoration 21271 { Height 64 States { Static: DEVS A -1 Stop } } ACTOR BJWasHereLost : WolfDecoration 21273 { Height 64 States { Static: BJWH A -1 Stop } } ACTOR SpearofDestinyLost : SpearofDestiny 21274 { Inventory.PickupSound "spear/pickup2" States { Static: SOFD B -1 Loop Pickup: SOFD B 0 ACS_NamedExecute("W_DoLevelEnd", 0, 3) Stop } } ACTOR SpearDamagePower : PowerDamage { Powerup.Color 256, 192, 0, 0.1 Powerup.Duration 0x7FFFFFFF +INVENTORY.AUTOACTIVATE +INVENTORY.ALWAYSPICKUP Damagefactor "Normal", 4 } ACTOR SpearRegenPower : PowerupGiver { Powerup.Type Regeneration Powerup.Duration 0x7FFFFFFF +INVENTORY.AUTOACTIVATE +INVENTORY.ALWAYSPICKUP } //Other miscellaneous items and markers ACTOR BotPlayer : Inventory { //Given to bots to allow them to activate walkover lines for doors } ACTOR WalkoverKey : Key { // } ACTOR AtariJaguar : Inventory { // } ACTOR Points : ScoreItem { Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 30000 } ACTOR Freeze : PowerupGiver { +AUTOACTIVATE +INVENTORY.ADDITIVETIME Inventory.MaxAmount 0 Powerup.Type "TimeFreezer" Powerup.Duration 35 } ACTOR WolfAmmoBelt : WolfCustomInventory 21085 { Height 26 -INVENTORY.INVBAR +INVENTORY.AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_AMMOPOUCH" Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/ammo" Inventory.Icon "WBPKA0" States { Static: WBPK A -1 Stop Use: WBPK A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways ("W_PickupAmmoBelt", 0, 1) Stop } } ACTOR NoFlash { RenderStyle None States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 Stop } } ACTOR NaziUniform : WolfCustomInventory 21088 { +COUNTITEM +INVENTORY.AUTOACTIVATE +INVENTORY.ALWAYSPICKUP +INVENTORY.BIGPOWERUP +INVENTORY.KEEPDEPLETED Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 1 Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_UNIFORM" States { Static: UNIF A -1 Stop Use: TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("WolfMachineGun") TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("Invisibility") TNT1 A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways ("A_NoTarget", 0, 1) Stop } } ACTOR Invisibility : PowerupGiver { +VISIBILITYPULSE +INVENTORY.AUTOACTIVATE Powerup.Type "Shadow" } ACTOR PowerDisguise : PowerMorph { Powerup.Duration -60 Powerup.Color 0,0,150,0.125 PowerMorph.PlayerClass "BJDisguise" PowerMorph.MorphStyle (MRF_FULLHEALTH|MRF_NEWTIDBEHAVIOUR|MRF_WHENINVULNERABLE|MRF_LOSEACTUALWEAPON|MRF_UNDOBYDEATHFORCED) PowerMorph.MorphFlash "NoFlash" PowerMorph.UnMorphFlash "NoFlash" } ACTOR BulletProofVest : BasicArmorPickup 21084 { Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_VEST" DamageFactor "WolfNazi", 0.25 Armor.SaveAmount 200 Armor.SavePercent 50.0 Armor.MaxAbsorb 50 States { Spawn: VEST A 1 loop } } ACTOR BerserkArmor : BasicArmorPickup { DamageFactor 0.75 DamageFactor "WolfNazi", 0.25 Armor.SaveAmount 1000 Armor.SavePercent 50.0 Armor.MaxFullAbsorb 30 Armor.MaxAbsorb 75 } ACTOR RandomTreasure { -SOLID +NOSECTOR RenderStyle None States { Spawn: TNT1 A 0 TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(192, "SpawnCross") TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(192, "SpawnChalice") TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(192, "SpawnChest") SpawnCrown: TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("Crown") Stop SpawnChest: TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("Chest") Stop SpawnChalice: TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("Chalice") Stop SpawnCross: TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("Cross") Stop } } ACTOR WolfBerserk : Berserk 21083 { Inventory.PickupMessage "$PU_ADRENALINE" States { Spawn: WSTR A -1 Stop Pickup: TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("PowerStrength") TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("BerserkArmor") TNT1 A 0 HealThing(100, 0) TNT1 A 0 A_SelectWeapon("WolfKnife") Stop } } ACTOR SpawnCheck { +CanPass Radius 10 Damage 0 +Missile States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 Loop Death: TNT1 A 1 Loop } } ACTOR Secret_Block { Radius 32 States { Spawn: TNT1 A -1 } } ACTOR Secret_Check { Radius 0 Height 64 States { Spawn: TNT1 A -1 } } //Patrol turn points ACTOR Turn : SwitchableDecoration 22090 { Mass 10000 Radius 0 Height 1 +Shootable +BumpSpecial +NOTONAUTOMAP Activation THINGSPEC_Activate | THINGSPEC_TriggerActs | THINGSPEC_MonsterTrigger | THINGSPEC_ThingTargets | THINGSPEC_Switch States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 Wait Inactive: Active: TNT1 A 10 TNT1 A 35 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_PatrolTurn", 0, angle, x, y) TNT1 A 70 Wait } } ACTOR Turn45 : Turn 22091 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SetAngle (45) Wait } } ACTOR Turn90 : Turn 22092 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SetAngle (90) Wait } } ACTOR Turn135 : Turn 22093 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SetAngle (135) Wait } } ACTOR Turn180 : Turn 22094 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SetAngle (180) Wait } } ACTOR Turn225 : Turn 22095 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SetAngle (225) Wait } } ACTOR Turn270 : Turn 22096 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SetAngle (270) Wait } } ACTOR Turn315 : Turn 22097 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SetAngle (315) Wait } } ACTOR Active : Inventory { //Given to active enemies. Keeps them from being affected by patrol points after they see the player. } ACTOR SoD_Game_Marker : Inventory { //Used to change some things in ACS. Given in base SoD player. } ACTOR Lost_Game_Marker : Inventory { //Used to change some things in ACS. Given in base Lost Episodes player. } ACTOR Generic_Map_Marker : Inventory { //Used to change some things in ACS. Given when the current map isn't in MAPINFO. } ACTOR DeathCam { Height 32 Radius 8 +NOGRAVITY +NOBLOCKMAP States { Spawn: TNT1 A -1 Stop } } ACTOR BreakableColumn : WolfDecoration { Height 64 Mass 10000 Health 75 +SHOOTABLE +NOBLOOD DamageFactor Fire, 0.0 States { Spawn: COLB A 1 Wait Death: COLB B 10 COLB C 5 A_UnSetSolid COLB D 3 A_UnSetShootable COLB E -1 Stop } } ACTOR PushableSpearRack : PushableWolfDecoration { States { Spawn: SPEA A 1 Wait } } ACTOR PushableColumn : PushableWolfDecoration { States { Spawn: COLW A 1 Wait } } ACTOR PushableColumn2 : PushableWolfDecoration //Pushes on first use, breaks on second use { States { Spawn: COLB A 1 Wait Inactive: COLB A 0 A_ChangeFlag("UseSpecial", 0) COLB A 0 A_UnSetShootable COLB A 0 A_UnSetSolid COLB A 0 A_PlaySound("missile/hit") COLB BCD 6 COLB E -1 Stop } } ACTOR ShoveableColumn : SwitchableDecoration //Breaks when shot or used { Mass 10000 Radius 28 Height 54 Health 25 +SHOOTABLE +SOLID +NOBLOOD DamageFactor Fire, 0.0 +UseSpecial Activation THINGSPEC_Activate | THINGSPEC_ThingTargets | THINGSPEC_ThingActs States { Spawn: COLB A 1 Wait Active: Death: COLB A 2 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("W_DoPushObject", 0, 16.0) COLB B 5 A_PlaySound("missile/hit") COLB C 3 A_UnSetSolid COLB D 3 A_UnSetShootable COLB E -1 Stop } } ACTOR StaticPlatform { Height 12 Radius 16 Mass 10000 +SOLID +ACTLIKEBRIDGE +CANPASS +NOGRAVITY States { Spawn: PLAT A -1 Stop } } ACTOR DrivePlatform : SwitchableDecoration { Height 12 Radius 32 Speed 6 +SOLID +ACTLIKEBRIDGE +CANPASS +BUMPSPECIAL +NOGRAVITY +NOBLOCKMONST Activation THINGSPEC_ThingTargets | THINGSPEC_ThingActs | THINGSPEC_Switch States { Spawn: PLAT A 1 Loop Inactive: Active: "####" A 0 ACS_NamedExecute("W_DrivePlatform", 0, tid, 0, 0) Goto Spawn } } ACTOR HoverBoard : DrivePlatform { Height 1 Radius 16 Speed 18 States { Spawn: HBRD A 1 Loop Inactive: Active: "####" A 0 ACS_NamedExecute("W_DrivePlatform", 0, tid, 16, 1 + 2 + 8 + 16) Goto Spawn } } ACTOR MotorCycle: DrivePlatform 21100 { -NOGRAVITY Height 1 Radius 16 Speed 24 States { Spawn: WMOT A 1 Loop Spawn.Left: WMOT L 1 Loop Spawn.Right: WMOT R 1 Loop Spawn.Jump: WMOT J 1 Loop Inactive: Active: "####" A 0 ACS_NamedExecute("W_DrivePlatform", 0, tid, 8, 2 + 8 + 16 + 32) Goto Spawn } } ACTOR Platform : SwitchableDecoration { var int user_moveangle; Height 12 Radius 32 Speed 3 +SOLID +ACTLIKEBRIDGE +CANPASS +BUMPSPECIAL +NOGRAVITY +NOBLOCKMONST Activation THINGSPEC_ThingTargets | THINGSPEC_ThingActs | THINGSPEC_Switch | THINGSPEC_MonsterTrigger States { Spawn: PLAT A 0 "####" A 0 A_SetUserVar("user_moveangle", angle) "####" A 0 A_JumpIf(256, "Move") Move: "####" A 1 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("W_MovePlatform", 0, tid, user_moveangle) Loop Reverse: "####" A 35 A_SetUserVar("user_moveangle", (user_moveangle + 180) % 360) "####" A 0 A_JumpIf(256, "Move") Inactive: Active: "####" A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("W_DoPlatform2", 0, tid, Radius * 2, Radius * 2) "####" A 0 A_JumpIf(256, "Move") } } ACTOR Platform5 : Platform { States { Reverse: "####" A 0 A_SetUserVar("user_moveangle", (user_moveangle + 5) % 360) "####" A 0 A_JumpIf(256, "Move") } } ACTOR Platform45 : Platform { States { Reverse: "####" A 0 A_SetUserVar("user_moveangle", (user_moveangle + 45) % 360) "####" A 0 A_JumpIf(256, "Move") } } ACTOR Platform90 : Platform { States { Reverse: "####" A 0 A_SetUserVar("user_moveangle", (user_moveangle + 90) % 360) "####" A 0 A_JumpIf(256, "Move") } } ACTOR PlatformRandom : Platform { States { Reverse: "####" A 0 A_SetUserVar("user_moveangle", (user_moveangle + Random(1,359)) % 360) "####" A 0 A_JumpIf(256, "Move") } } ACTOR PlatformCircle : Platform { States { Move: "####" A 0 A_SetUserVar("user_moveangle", (user_moveangle + 1) % 360) "####" A 1 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("W_MovePlatform", 0, tid, user_moveangle) Loop } } ACTOR ImpPlatform : PlatformRandom { States { Spawn: PLAT A 0 "####" A 0 A_SetUserVar("user_moveangle", angle) "####" A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("DoomImp", 0, 0, 20.0) "####" A 0 A_JumpIf(256, "Move") } } ACTOR FastPlatform : Platform { Speed 6 } ACTOR WolfMapMarker : MapMarker { +NOCLIP Args 0, 1 Scale 0.1 States { Spawn.AoD: WB10 A -1 Stop Spawn.Axe: LB06 A -1 Stop Spawn.Barnacle: WBO9 A -1 Stop Spawn.Bat: WBAT A -1 Stop Spawn.BJ: TNT1 A -1 //PLAY A -1 Stop Spawn.Black: WBLA A -1 Stop Spawn.Blue: WBLU A -1 Stop Spawn.Brown: WBRN A -1 Stop Spawn.DI: LB10 A -1 Stop Spawn.DK: WBO7 A -1 Stop Spawn.Dob: WDOB A -1 Stop Spawn.Dog: WDOG A -1 Stop Spawn.Fat: WBO5 A -1 Stop Spawn.Ghost: LSPE A -1 Stop Spawn.Gift: WBO8 A -1 Stop Spawn.Green: WGRN A -1 Stop Spawn.Gretel: WBO4 A -1 Stop Spawn.H1: WHR1 A -1 Stop Spawn.H2: WHR2 A -1 Stop Spawn.Hans: WBOS A -1 Stop Spawn.HG: WHGT A -1 Stop Spawn.Mist: LSP2 A -1 Stop Spawn.Mutant: WMUT A -1 Stop Spawn.Blinky: GHO0 A -1 Stop Spawn.Inky: GHO1 A -1 Stop Spawn.Pinky: GHO2 A -1 Stop Spawn.Clyde: GHO3 A -1 Stop Spawn.Quark: LBO9 A -1 Stop Spawn.Random: WBRN A 11 WBLU A 11 WWHT A 11 Loop Spawn.Robot: LBO7 A -1 Stop Spawn.Schabbs: WBO3 A -1 Stop Spawn.Spectre: WSPE A -1 Stop Spawn.Trans: WBO2 A -1 Stop Spawn.Uber: WBO6 A -1 Stop Spawn.White: WWHT A -1 Stop Spawn.White2: WWH2 A -1 Stop Spawn.Willy: LBO2 A -1 Stop Spawn.AARDA: AARD A -1 Stop Spawn.ADTHA: ADTH A -1 Stop Spawn.BASKA: BASK A -1 Stop Spawn.BED1A: BED1 A -1 Stop Spawn.BJWHA: BJWH A -1 Stop Spawn.HEL4A: HEL4 A -1 Stop Spawn.HEL5A: HEL5 A -1 Stop Spawn.KEYSB: KEYS B -1 Stop Spawn.KEYSD: KEYS D -1 Stop Spawn.TREAF: TREA F -1 Stop Spawn.POB1A: POB1 A -1 Stop Spawn.POB6A: POB6 A -1 Stop Spawn.POB7A: POB7 A -1 Stop Spawn.HLTHB: HLTH B -1 Stop Spawn.HLTHG: HLTH G -1 Stop Spawn.CAG4A: CAG4 A -1 Stop Spawn.COL2A: COL2 A -1 Stop Spawn.PLT4A: PLT4 A -1 Stop Spawn.BUBLA: BUBL A -1 Stop Spawn.HEL1A: HEL1 A -1 Stop Spawn.CAG2A: CAG2 A -1 Stop Spawn.HEL2A: HEL2 A -1 Stop Spawn.CAG6A: CAG6 A -1 Stop Spawn.CAG5A: CAG5 A -1 Stop Spawn.TREAC: TREA C -1 Stop Spawn.LIT3A: LIT3 A -1 Stop Spawn.LIT4A: LIT4 A -1 Stop Spawn.TREAD: TREA D -1 Stop Spawn.TREAA: TREA A -1 Stop Spawn.TREAB: TREA B -1 Stop Spawn.POB4A: POB4 A -1 Stop Spawn.POB2A: POB2 A -1 Stop Spawn.POB3A: POB3 A -1 Stop Spawn.WBRNN: WBRN N -1 Stop Spawn.WGRNN: WGRN N -1 Stop Spawn.DRATA: DRAT A -1 Stop Spawn.DEVSA: DEVS A -1 Stop Spawn.HLTHC: HLTH C -1 Stop Spawn.HLTHH: HLTH H -1 Stop Spawn.WEL2A: WEL2 A -1 Stop Spawn.WEL4A: WEL4 A -1 Stop Spawn.GZMOA: GZMO A -1 Stop Spawn.CAG1A: CAG1 A -1 Stop Spawn.CAG3A: CAG3 A -1 Stop Spawn.HLTHE: HLTH E -1 Stop Spawn.HLTHJ: HLTH J -1 Stop Spawn.LIT1A: LIT1 A -1 Stop Spawn.LIT2A: LIT2 A -1 Stop Spawn.LIT5A: LIT5 A -1 Stop Spawn.LIT6A: LIT6 A -1 Stop Spawn.HNG1A: HNG1 A -1 Stop Spawn.HNG2A: HNG2 A -1 Stop Spawn.POT2A: POT2 A -1 Stop Spawn.VINEA: VINE A -1 Stop Spawn.TAB5A: TAB5 A -1 Stop Spawn.POT1A: POT1 A -1 Stop Spawn.LIFEA: LIFE A -1 Stop Spawn.LIFEB: LIFE B -1 Stop Spawn.LIT8A: LIT8 A -1 Stop Spawn.FLAGA: FLAG A -1 Stop Spawn.UNIFA: UNIF A -1 Stop Spawn.BARLA: BARL A -1 Stop Spawn.BAR3A: BAR3 A -1 Stop Spawn.POSKA: POSK A -1 Stop Spawn.PIPEA: PIPE A -1 Stop Spawn.PLT1A: PLT1 A -1 Stop Spawn.PLT2A: PLT2 A -1 Stop Spawn.PLT3A: PLT3 A -1 Stop Spawn.HLTHD: HLTH D -1 Stop Spawn.HLTHI: HLTH I -1 Stop Spawn.HLTHA: HLTH A -1 Stop Spawn.HLTHF: HLTH F -1 Stop Spawn.POL1A: POL1 A -1 Stop Spawn.POL2A: POL2 A -1 Stop Spawn.BAR5A: BAR5 A -1 Stop Spawn.TREAE: TREA E -1 Stop Spawn.LITRA: LITR A -1 Stop Spawn.LIT7A: LIT7 A -1 Stop Spawn.TREAG: TREA G -1 Stop Spawn.SINKA: SINK A -1 Stop Spawn.BONEA: BONE A -1 Stop Spawn.BONEB: BONE B -1 Stop Spawn.HEL3A: HEL3 A -1 Stop Spawn.GGOOA: GGOO A -1 Stop Spawn.SOFDA: SOFD A -1 Stop Spawn.SOFDA: SOFD A -1 Stop Spawn.SOFDB: SOFD B -1 Stop Spawn.SPEAA: SPEA A -1 Stop Spawn.COLWA: COLW A -1 Stop Spawn.PILWA: PILW A -1 Stop Spawn.STOVA: STOV A -1 Stop Spawn.KNIGA: KNIG A -1 Stop Spawn.KNIGB: KNIG B -1 Stop Spawn.TAB2A: TAB2 A -1 Stop Spawn.TAB1A: TAB1 A -1 Stop Spawn.TAB3A: TAB3 A -1 Stop Spawn.TAB4A: TAB4 A -1 Stop Spawn.TREAH: TREA H -1 Stop Spawn.WTRKA: WTRK A -1 Stop Spawn.VASEA: VASE A -1 Stop Spawn.VAS2A: VAS2 A -1 Stop Spawn.WEL1A: WEL1 A -1 Stop Spawn.WEL3A: WEL3 A -1 Stop Spawn.BPAKA: BPAK A -1 Stop Spawn.BAR2A: BAR2 A -1 Stop Spawn.BAR4A: BAR4 A -1 Stop Spawn.KEYSA: KEYS A -1 Stop Spawn.KEYSC: KEYS C -1 Stop Spawn.CGUNP: CGUN P -1 Stop Spawn.CGUNU: CGUN U -1 Stop Spawn.CGUNP: CGUN P -1 Stop Spawn.WKNIF: KNIF P -1 Stop Spawn.WCLIA: WCLI A -1 Stop Spawn.WLUGR: LUGR P -1 Stop Spawn.WAMMA: WAMM A -1 Stop Spawn.WAMMB: WAMM B -1 Stop Spawn.WCLIA: WCLI A -1 Stop Spawn.WCLIB: WCLI B -1 Stop Spawn.WCLIB: WCLI B -1 Stop Spawn.CGUNP: CGUN P -1 Stop Spawn.FLAMP: FLAM P -1 Stop Spawn.WGASA: WGAS A -1 Stop Spawn.WGASA: WGAS A -1 Stop Spawn.MGUNP: MGUN P -1 Stop Spawn.MGUNU: MGUN U -1 Stop Spawn.WCLIA: WCLI A -1 Stop Spawn.WCLIB: WCLI B -1 Stop Spawn.WROKA: WROK A -1 Stop Spawn.WROCP: WROC P -1 Stop Spawn.WRKTA: WRKT A -1 Stop Spawn: TNT1 A -1 Stop } }