//Puffs and Blood Actor BlakePuff : BulletPuff Replaces BulletPuff { +PUFFONACTORS +PUFFGETSOWNER States { Spawn: Crash: TNT1 A 0 Stop Melee: XDeath: TNT1 A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_SetAttacker", 0) Stop } } //Used by pistols and PDU - can't hit turrets Actor BlakePuffNoTurret : BlakePuff { DamageType "NoTurret" } Actor BlakeBlood Replaces Blood {/*Temporary*/} //Player Projectiles //Accurate to the original, but looks like crap in-game ACTOR BSFlame { Radius 10 Height 8 Speed 14 Damage (Random(40, 167)) Projectile SeeSound "plasmagrenade/fire" DeathSound "plasmagrenade/hit" Obituary "" DamageType "NoTurret" States { Spawn: PPDU C 0 A_ScaleVelocity(FRandom(1.0, 1.5)) PPDU CBBABBCD 3 BRIGHT PPDU E 0 A_Scream PPDU E 0 A_Explode(Random(50, 177), 128, 0) PPDU E 0 A_Stop PPDU E Random(3, 6) BRIGHT PPDU FGH 3 Bright Stop Death: PPDU J 0 A_Explode(Random(50, 177), 128, 0) PPDU J Random(2, 5) BRIGHT PPDU KLMN 2 BRIGHT Stop } } //Less accurate to original, but looks better and has same effects ACTOR BSFlameAlt : BSFlame { +BOUNCEONFLOORS -NOGRAVITY +USEBOUNCESTATE Gravity 0.25 Speed 16 States { Spawn: PPDU C 5 BRIGHT Loop Bounce.Floor: PPDU E 0 A_Scream PPDU E 0 A_Explode(Random(50, 177), 128, 0) PPDU E 0 A_Stop FEXP A Random(3, 6) BRIGHT FEXP BCD 3 Bright Stop Bounce: PPDU J 0 A_Explode(Random(50, 177), 128, 0) PPDU J Random(2, 5) BRIGHT PPDU KLMN 2 BRIGHT Stop } } //Enemy Projectiles Actor ProjectileTemplate { PROJECTILE Radius 4 Speed 14 Height 16 +CANPASS // DeathSound "misc/blake/explosion1" DamageType "BS" States { Spawn: UNKN A 0 "####" # 0 A_Jump(256, "Fly") Fly: "####" ABC 5 Loop Death: "####" DEF 4 A_Explode(16, 32, 1) Stop } } Actor SmallCanisterShot : ProjectileTemplate { SeeSound "smallcanisteralien/attack" States { Spawn: PBRN A 0 "####" # 0 A_Jump(256, "Fly") } } Actor Proj_Plasma : ProjectileTemplate { States { Spawn: PPLA AB 5 Loop Death: PPLA CD 5 A_Explode(16, 32, 1) Stop } } Actor Proj_Water : ProjectileTemplate { States { Spawn: PPUD A 0 "####" # 0 A_Jump(256, "Fly") } } Actor Proj_Mech : ProjectileTemplate { States { Spawn: PBLU A 0 "####" # 0 A_Jump(256, "Fly") } } Actor Proj_BrownBossAlien : ProjectileTemplate { States { Spawn: PORG A 0 "####" # 0 A_Jump(256, "Fly") } } Actor Proj_X : ProjectileTemplate { SeeSound "spidermutant/attack" States { Spawn: PSPI A 0 "####" # 0 A_Jump(256, "Fly") } } Actor Proj_Green : ProjectileTemplate { States { Spawn: PACD A 0 "####" # 0 A_Jump(256, "Fly") } } Actor MapView { Radius 12 Speed 200 +MISSILE +NOGRAVITY +DROPOFF +NOBLOCKMAP -SOLID +THRUACTORS +BOUNCEONWALLS +USEBOUNCESTATE +NOTONAUTOMAP RenderStyle "None" BounceFactor 0.0 BounceCount 5 States { Spawn: TNT1 A 0 MappingLoop: "####" A 1 A_CheckSight("Dead") "####" A 1 A_JumpIfInTargetLOS("Continue", 80.0, JLOSF_CLOSENOFOV, 0, 256.0) Goto Dead Continue: "####" A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_MarkMap", 0, 1) "####" A 0 A_JumpIf(CallACS("A_CheckMapped") > 0, "MappingLoop") "####" A 0 A_CustomMissile("MapView", 0, 0, 135) "####" A 0 A_CustomMissile("MapView", 0, 0, -135) "####" A 0 A_CustomMissile("MapView", 0, 0, 112) "####" A 0 A_CustomMissile("MapView", 0, 0, -112) "####" A 0 A_CustomMissile("MapView", 0, 0, 45) "####" A 0 A_CustomMissile("MapView", 0, 0, -45) "####" A 0 A_CustomMissile("MapView", 0, 0, 90) "####" A 0 A_CustomMissile("MapView", 0, 0, -90) Bounce: Goto MappingLoop Dead: "####" A 0 Stop } }