//Decorations and Pickups in Blake Stone ACTOR BlakeVictory 20000 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 TNT1 A 1 ACS_NamedExecute("W_VictorySetup", 0, x, y, angle * 256 / 360) Stop } } ACTOR Blake { MONSTER -COUNTKILL -SOLID -SHOOTABLE +FRIENDLY +FULLVOLDEATH +INVULNERABLE +NOTARGET +AMBUSH Renderstyle None Height 0 Radius 0 Speed 6 Health 5 States { Spawn: Melee: Missile: PLAY A 1 A_Look Loop See: PLAY ABCD 6 ThrustThing (angle * 256 / 360, 2, 0, 0) PLAY ABCD 6 ThrustThing (angle * 256 / 360, 2, 0, 0) PLAY ABCD 6 ThrustThing (angle * 256 / 360, 2, 0, 0) PLAY ABCD 6 ThrustThing (angle * 256 / 360, 2, 0, 0) PLAY ABCD 6 ThrustThing (angle * 256 / 360, 2, 0, 0) PLAY ABCD 6 ThrustThing (angle * 256 / 360, 2, 0, 0) Death: PLAY D -1 A_Scream Stop } } // From Here on, entries retain original actor order, // just converted Hex numbers to Decimal, added 21000 ACTOR PoolofWater : BSHealth 21023 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 11 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/health" Inventory.PickupMessage "Pool of Water" States { Static: POL1 A 5 "####" # 0 A_SetUserVar ("user_Amount", 1) Loop } } /* PoolofWater { DoomEdNum 21023 Sprite POL1 Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 0 } */ NuclearWasteDrum { DoomEdNum 21024 Solid Sprite BARL Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 30 } TableandChairs { DoomEdNum 21025 Solid Sprite TAB1 Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 32 } FloorLamp { DoomEdNum 21026 Solid Sprite LIT1 Frames "A*" Radius 32 Height 32 } LabSink { DoomEdNum 21027 Sprite SINK Frames "B" Radius 32 Height 32 Solid } SteelColumn { DoomEdNum 21028 Sprite COLS Solid Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 64 } PoolofBlood { DoomEdNum 21029 Sprite POL2 Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 0 } YellowPuddle { DoomEdNum 21030 Sprite POL3 Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 0 } Plant { DoomEdNum 21031 Sprite PLT1 Solid Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 40 } Body { DoomEdNum 21032 Sprite BONE Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 15 } Sink { DoomEdNum 21033 Sprite SINK Solid Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 40 } PlantinVase { DoomEdNum 21034 Sprite PLT2 Solid Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 50 } Vase { DoomEdNum 21035 Sprite VASE Solid Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 30 } Table { DoomEdNum 21036 Sprite TAB2 Solid Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 30 } CeilingLight { DoomEdNum 21037 Sprite LIT5 Frames "A*" Radius 32 Height 0 Solid } OfficeChair { DoomEdNum 21038 Sprite CHAR Frames "B" Solid Radius 32 Height 20 } TrashCan { DoomEdNum 21039 Sprite TCAN Frames "A" Solid Radius 32 Height 20 } WasteBasket { DoomEdNum 21040 Sprite TCAN Frames "B" Solid Radius 32 Height 20 } FernInPot { DoomEdNum 21041 Sprite PLT3 Solid Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 32 } LabTable { DoomEdNum 21042 Sprite TAB3 Solid Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 32 } CeilingLightFlatYellow { DoomEdNum 21043 Sprite LIT6 Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 32 } ExitSign { DoomEdNum 21044 Sprite EXIT Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 32 } CeilingFloorLight { DoomEdNum 21045 Sprite LIT7 Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 32 } LargeBloodyBin { DoomEdNum 21046 Sprite BBIN Frames "A" Solid Radius 32 Height 32 } BSStatue { DoomEdNum 21048 Sprite STAT Solid Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 32 } ACTOR FirstAidKit : BSHealth 21052 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 25 Inventory.MaxAmount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/health" Inventory.PickupMessage "First-Aid Kit" States { Static: HLTH E -1 Loop } } ACTOR BSRedKey : BSKey 21055 { Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/key" Inventory.PickupMessage "Red Access Card" Inventory.Icon "RKEY" States { Static: KEYS A -1 Stop } } ACTOR BSYellowKey : BSKey 21056 { Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/key" Inventory.PickupMessage "Yellow Access Card" Inventory.Icon "YKEY" States { Static: KEYS B -1 Stop } } ACTOR BSGreenKey : BSKey 21057 { Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/key" Inventory.PickupMessage "Green Access Card" Inventory.Icon "GKEY" States { Static: KEYS C -1 Stop } } ACTOR BSBlueKey : BSKey 21058 { Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/key" Inventory.PickupMessage "Blue Access Card" Inventory.Icon "BKEY" States { Static: KEYS D -1 Stop } } ACTOR BSGoldKey : BSKey 21059 { Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/key" Inventory.PickupMessage "Gold Access Card" Inventory.Icon "GOKEY" States { Static: KEYS E -1 Stop } } OfficerDesk { DoomEdNum 21060 Sprite DESK Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 20 Solid } OfficerChair { DoomEdNum 21061 Sprite CHAR Frames "A" Solid Radius 32 Height 20 } SecurityDesk { DoomEdNum 21062 Sprite DESK Frames "B" Radius 32 Height 20 Solid } ACTOR WaterBowl : BSHealth 21063 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 5 Inventory.MaxAmount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/health" Inventory.PickupMessage "Bowl of Water" States { Static: HLTH C 5 "####" # 0 A_SetUserVar ("user_Amount", 5) Loop } } WaterBowlDebris { DoomEdNum 21064 Sprite BOWL Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 5 } ACTOR RawMeat1 : BSHealth 21065 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 15 Inventory.MaxAmount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/health" Inventory.PickupMessage "Raw Meat" States { Static: HLTH D 5 "####" # 0 A_SetUserVar ("user_Amount", 15) Loop } } RawMeat1Debris { DoomEdNum 21066 Sprite MEAT Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 5 } ACTOR RawMeat2 : BSHealth 21067 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 20 Inventory.MaxAmount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/health" Inventory.PickupMessage "Raw Steak" States { Static: HLTH F 5 "####" # 0 A_SetUserVar ("user_Amount", 20) Loop } } RawMeat2Debris { DoomEdNum 21068 Sprite MEAT Frames "G" Radius 32 Height 5 } DomeLight { DoomEdNum 21070 Sprite LIT8 Frames "A*" Radius 32 Height 0 } ACTOR DeadBioTech : BioTech 21078 { Skip_Super States { Spawn: Goto Super::Dead } } ACTOR FailingLight1 21079 { +RANDOMIZE Height 0 Radius 24 States { Spawn: LIT9 A 5 BRIGHT LIT9 A 5 BRIGHT A_Jump(128, "Blink") Blink: LIT9 B 2 BRIGHT LIT9 CBC 1 BRIGHT LIT9 B 1 BRIGHT Goto Spawn } } Actor AirVent 21080 { Height 1 Radius 32 +Solid States { Spawn: VENT A -1 Stop } } Actor AirVent2 21081 { Height 1 Radius 32 +Solid States { Spawn: VENT BCDE 5 Loop } } Actor AirVent3 21082 { Height 1 Radius 32 +Solid States { Spawn: VENT FGHI 5 Loop } } Grate { DoomEdNum 21083 Sprite GRAT Frames "A" Solid Radius 32 Height 1 } /* 84=O,00FFF000F000F000000F00000F00000F0000000000000F000,Ceiling light I W S unused in any missions */ ACTOR MoneyBag : BSScoreItem 21085 { +COUNTITEM Inventory.Amount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/moneybag" Inventory.PickupMessage "Money Bag" States { Static: TREA A -1 Loop } } ACTOR Loot : BSScoreItem 21086 { +COUNTITEM Inventory.Amount 500 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/loot" Inventory.PickupMessage "Loot" States { Static: TREA C -1 Loop } } ACTOR 5GoldBars : BSScoreItem 21087 { +COUNTITEM Inventory.Amount 1000 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/goldbars" Inventory.PickupMessage "5 Gold Bars" States { Static: TREA D -1 Loop } } ACTOR XylanOrb : BSScoreItem 21088 { +COUNTITEM +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 5000 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/xylanorb" Inventory.PickupMessage "Xylan Orb" States { Static: BXYL A -1 Loop } } SmokingGrate { DoomEdNum 21178 Sprite GRAT Frames "BCDE" Solid Radius 32 Height 1 } Actor FailingLight2 21179 { +RANDOMIZE Height 0 Radius 24 States { Spawn: LITC B 5 BRIGHT LITC B 5 BRIGHT A_Jump(128, "Blink") Blink: LITC C 2 BRIGHT LITC DE 1 BRIGHT LITC F 1 LITC ED 1 BRIGHT LITC C 1 BRIGHT Goto Spawn } } ThinGrayPillar { DoomEdNum 21381 Sprite COLG Frames "A" Solid Radius 32 Height 64 } ThickGrayPillar { DoomEdNum 21382 Sprite COLG Frames "B" Solid Radius 32 Height 64 } ThickGoldPillar { DoomEdNum 21383 Sprite COLG Frames "C" Solid Radius 32 Height 64 } CeilingLightwithShade { DoomEdNum 21384 Sprite LITA Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 0 } CeilingLight2 { DoomEdNum 21385 Sprite LITB Frames "B" Radius 32 Height 0 } DeadBody { DoomEdNum 21386 Sprite BODY Frames "A" Radius 24 Height 0 } SurgeryLamp { DoomEdNum 21387 Sprite LITD Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 0 } BSWaterFountain { DoomEdNum 21388 Sprite FNTN Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 32 Solid } ACTOR CandyBar : BSHealth 21390 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 8 Inventory.MaxAmount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/health" Inventory.PickupMessage "Candy Bar" States { Static: HLTH G 5 "####" # 0 A_SetUserVar ("user_Amount", 8) Loop } } CandyBarDebris { Sprite WRAP Frames "A" } ACTOR Sandwich : BSHealth 21391 { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 10 Inventory.MaxAmount 100 Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/health" Inventory.PickupMessage "Sandwich" States { Static: HLTH H 5 "####" # 0 A_SetUserVar ("user_Amount", 10) Stop } } SandwichDebris { Sprite CRUM Frames "A" } ACTOR Box : BSDecoration { Health 1 Height 20 Mass 10000 +SHOOTABLE States { Static: UNKN A -1 Stop Death: FEXP A Random(3, 6) Bright TNT1 A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_Drop", 0, args[1]) FEXP BCD 3 Bright Stop } } ACTOR OrangeBoxPlain : Box 21392 { States { Static: OBOX A -1 Stop } } /* OrangeBoxPlain { DoomEdNum 21392 Sprite OBOX Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 0 } */ ACTOR OrangeBoxBolted : Box 21393 { States { Static: OBOX B -1 Stop } } /* OrangeBoxBolted { DoomEdNum 21393 Sprite OBOX Frames "B" Radius 32 Height 0 } */ ACTOR CyanBoxBolted : Box 21394 { States { Static: CBOX A -1 Stop } } /* CyanBoxBolted { DoomEdNum 21394 Sprite CBOX Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 0 } */ RoundTable { DoomEdNum 21395 Sprite TAB4 Frames "A" Solid Radius 32 Height 32 } SwivelChair { DoomEdNum 21396 Sprite CHAR Frames "C" Solid Radius 32 Height 32 } SmallStool { DoomEdNum 21397 Sprite CHAR Frames "D" Solid Radius 32 Height 32 } BloodwithHead { DoomEdNum 21398 Sprite BLOD Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 0 } ACTOR 3GoldBars : 5GoldBars 21399 { Inventory.PickupMessage "3 Gold Bars" States { Static: TREA E -1 Loop Pickup: TREA E 0 ACS_ExecuteAlways(700, 0, 750) Stop } } ACTOR 2GoldBars : 5GoldBars 21400 { Inventory.PickupMessage "2 Gold Bars" States { Static: TREA F -1 Loop Pickup: TREA F 0 ACS_ExecuteAlways(700, 0, 500) Stop } } ACTOR 1GoldBar : 5GoldBars 21401 { Inventory.PickupMessage "1 Gold Bar" States { Static: TREA G -1 Loop Pickup: TREA G 0 ACS_ExecuteAlways(700, 0, 250) Stop } } OrangePillar { DoomEdNum 21402 Sprite COLG Frames "D" Solid Radius 32 Height 64 } WideGrayPillar { DoomEdNum 21403 Sprite COLG Frames "E" Solid Radius 32 Height 64 } GeneratorTower { DoomEdNum 21404 Sprite COLG Frames "F" Solid Radius 32 Height 64 } TallDecorColumn { DoomEdNum 21405 Sprite COLG Frames "G" Solid Radius 32 Height 64 } ShortDecorColumn { DoomEdNum 21406 Sprite COLG Frames "H" Solid Radius 32 Height 64 } Debris1 { DoomEdNum 21407 Sprite DEBR Frames "A" Radius 32 Height 0 } Debris2 { DoomEdNum 21408 Sprite DEBR Frames "B" Radius 32 Height 0 } Debris3 { DoomEdNum 21409 Sprite DEBR Frames "C" Radius 32 Height 0 } Debris4 { DoomEdNum 21410 Sprite DEBR Frames "D" Radius 32 Height 0 } /* 411=O,0000100000010000001000011100010010001001000011100,Dead Sector Patrol W S 412=O,0000400000040000004000044400040040004004000044400,Dead Star Sentinel W S 413=O,0000A000000A000000A0000AAA000A00A000A00A0000AAA00,Dead Star Trooper W S 414=O,0000000000000000000000300030030003003030300030300,Debris from VTrans W S 415=O,0000000000000000000000700070070007007070700070700,Debris from Drone W S 416=O,0000300000030000003000033300030030003003000033300,Dead Mech Sentinel W S 417=O,0000600000060000006000066600060060006006000066600,Dead Human Mutant W S 418=O,0000200000020000002000022200020020002002000022200,Dead Green Alien W S 419=O,0000600000060000006000066600060060006006000066600,Dead Brown Alien W S 420=O,0000900000090000009000099900090090009009000099900,Dead Mutant Guard W S 421=O,0088800088888088848888844488888488808888800088800,Destroyed Turret W S 422=O,0000200000020000002000022200020020002002000022200,Dead Pod Alien W S */ ACTOR Credit : Inventory { Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 25 } ACTOR 1Credit : BSCustomInventory 21423 { Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/token" Inventory.PickupMessage "1 Credit" States { Static: COIN A -1 Loop Pickup: TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("Credit", 1) Stop } } ACTOR 5Credit : BSCustomInventory 21424 { Inventory.PickupSound "pickups/token" Inventory.PickupMessage "5 Credits" States { Static: COIN B -1 Loop Pickup: TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("Credit", 5) Stop } } ACTOR Life : Inventory { //Placeholder for Life Counter Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 10 } ACTOR BotPlayer : Inventory { // } ACTOR WalkoverKey : Key { // } ACTOR Points : Inventory { Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 30000 } ACTOR Freeze : PowerupGiver { +AUTOACTIVATE Powerup.Type "TimeFreezer" Powerup.Duration 7000 } ACTOR Talked : Inventory { Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.Maxamount 3 } ACTOR Attacked : Inventory { Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 1 } ACTOR Pickup : Inventory { Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 1 } ACTOR Message : Powerup { Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 1 Powerup.Duration 70 } ACTOR PistolCharge : Inventory { Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 1 } ACTOR MediumAmmo : Inventory { Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 1 } ACTOR LowAmmo : Inventory { Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 1 } //Patrol turn points ACTOR Turn : SwitchableDecoration 22090 { Mass 10000 Radius 0 Height 1 +Shootable +BumpSpecial +NOTONAUTOMAP Activation THINGSPEC_Activate | THINGSPEC_TriggerActs | THINGSPEC_MonsterTrigger | THINGSPEC_ThingTargets | THINGSPEC_Switch States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 Wait Inactive: Active: TNT1 A 10 TNT1 A 35 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_PatrolTurn", 0, angle, x, y) TNT1 A 70 Wait } } ACTOR Turn45 : Turn 22091 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SetAngle (45) Wait } } ACTOR Turn90 : Turn 22092 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SetAngle (90) Wait } } ACTOR Turn135 : Turn 22093 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SetAngle (135) Wait } } ACTOR Turn180 : Turn 22094 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SetAngle (180) Wait } } ACTOR Turn225 : Turn 22095 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SetAngle (225) Wait } } ACTOR Turn270 : Turn 22096 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SetAngle (270) Wait } } ACTOR Turn315 : Turn 22097 { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SetAngle (315) Wait } } ACTOR Active : Inventory { //Given to active enemies. Keeps them from being affected by patrol points after they see the player. } ACTOR ElevatorPanel : Inventory { //Given while in Elevator Panel - Used in SBARINFO checks for top background bar. } ACTOR Cheat : Inventory { //Given while in Powerball mode - Used in SBARINFO checks for top background bar. } ACTOR Loading : Inventory { //Given while loading map - Used in SBARINFO checks for top background bar. } ACTOR FoodUnitHealth: BSHealth { +AUTOACTIVATE Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 100 } ACTOR TextureMarker 22102 { +NOTONAUTOMAP States { Spawn: TNT1 A 0 TNT1 A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_SetTextures", 0, args[3], args[4]) TNT1 A 1 Stop } } ACTOR ColorMarker : SwitchableDecoration 22101 { Height 1 Radius 32 +SOLID +CANPASS +BUMPSPECIAL +NOBLOCKMONST +NOTONAUTOMAP Activation THINGSPEC_ThingTargets | THINGSPEC_ThingActs | THINGSPEC_Switch States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(y < 2016, "Static") TNT1 A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_SetColors", 0, args[3], args[4]) Stop Static: TNT1 A 1 Loop Inactive: Active: "####" A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_SetColors", 0, args[3], args[4]) Goto Spawn } } ACTOR MessageMarker : SecActHitFloor { +NOTONAUTOMAP +AMBUSH States { Spawn: TNT1 A 0 TNT1 A -1 A_SetSpecial (226, 55, 0, args[2]) Stop /* TNT1 A 1 A_LookEx(LOF_NOJUMP, 0, 0, 0, 360, "") TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInTargetLOS ("SetMessage") TNT1 A 0 A_ChangeFlag("FRIENDLY", 1) TNT1 A 1 A_LookEx(LOF_NOJUMP, 0, 0, 0, 360, "") TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInTargetLOS ("SetMessage") TNT1 A 0 A_ChangeFlag("FRIENDLY", 0) Loop SetMessage: TNT1 A 5 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_SetMessage", 0, args[2]) Goto Spawn */ } } ACTOR InformantMessageMarker1 : MessageMarker 22201 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker2 : MessageMarker 22202 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker3 : MessageMarker 22203 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker4 : MessageMarker 22204 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker5 : MessageMarker 22205 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker6 : MessageMarker 22206 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker7 : MessageMarker 22207 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker8 : MessageMarker 22208 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker9 : MessageMarker 22209 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker10 : MessageMarker 22210 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker11 : MessageMarker 22211 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker12 : MessageMarker 22212 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker13 : MessageMarker 22213 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker14 : MessageMarker 22214 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker15 : MessageMarker 22215 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker16 : MessageMarker 22216 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker17 : MessageMarker 22217 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker18 : MessageMarker 22218 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker19 : MessageMarker 22219 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker20 : MessageMarker 22220 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker21 : MessageMarker 22221 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker22 : MessageMarker 22222 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker23 : MessageMarker 22223 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker24 : MessageMarker 22224 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker25 : MessageMarker 22225 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker26 : MessageMarker 22226 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker27 : MessageMarker 22227 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker28 : MessageMarker 22228 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker29 : MessageMarker 22229 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker30 : MessageMarker 22230 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker31 : MessageMarker 22231 {} ACTOR InformantMessageMarker32 : MessageMarker 22232 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker1 : MessageMarker 22301 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker2 : MessageMarker 22302 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker3 : MessageMarker 22303 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker4 : MessageMarker 22304 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker5 : MessageMarker 22305 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker6 : MessageMarker 22306 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker7 : MessageMarker 22307 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker8 : MessageMarker 22308 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker9 : MessageMarker 22309 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker10 : MessageMarker 22310 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker11 : MessageMarker 22311 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker12 : MessageMarker 22312 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker13 : MessageMarker 22313 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker14 : MessageMarker 22314 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker15 : MessageMarker 22315 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker16 : MessageMarker 22316 {} ACTOR LoyalistMessageMarker17 : MessageMarker 22317 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker1 : MessageMarker 22401 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker2 : MessageMarker 22402 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker3 : MessageMarker 22403 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker4 : MessageMarker 22404 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker5 : MessageMarker 22405 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker6 : MessageMarker 22406 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker7 : MessageMarker 22407 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker8 : MessageMarker 22408 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker9 : MessageMarker 22409 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker10 : MessageMarker 22410 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker11 : MessageMarker 22411 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker12 : MessageMarker 22412 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker13 : MessageMarker 22413 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker14 : MessageMarker 22414 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker15 : MessageMarker 22415 {} ACTOR AlarmMessageMarker16 : MessageMarker 22416 {} ACTOR DoorMarker 22300 { +NOTONAUTOMAP States { Spawn: TNT1 A 0 TNT1 A 5 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_SetupAutomaticDoors", 0, args[1], args[2], args[3]) TNT1 A 5 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_MarkMap", 0, args[0], 1) Stop } } ACTOR SwitchMarker 22400 { +NOTONAUTOMAP States { Spawn: TNT1 A 0 TNT1 A 5 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_SetupSwitches", 0, args[0], args[3], args[4]) Stop } } ACTOR MapState : Inventory { Inventory.MaxAmount 2 } ACTOR BSMap2x : BSCustomInventory { States { Pickup: TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("MapState", 1, 1) TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("MapState", 1) TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("MapRevealer", 1) Stop } } ACTOR BSMap4x : BSCustomInventory { States { Pickup: TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("MapState", 2, 1) TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("MapState", 1) TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("PowerScanner", 1) Stop } } ACTOR WalkoverDoor : SwitchableDecoration 21158 { Mass 10000 Radius 32 Height 1 +Shootable +BumpSpecial +NOTONAUTOMAP Activation THINGSPEC_Activate | THINGSPEC_TriggerActs | THINGSPEC_MonsterTrigger | THINGSPEC_ThingTargets | THINGSPEC_Switch States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 Wait Inactive: Active: TNT1 A 10 TNT1 A 35 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("A_OpenRemoteDoor", 0, args[3], args[4]) TNT1 A 70 Wait } }