//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Blake Stone TC - Message Window Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This file contains the following functions: // // CheckMovement Check for Movement keys being pressed // CheckKeys Check for Attack/Use keys being pressed // KeyPressed Check for any key being pressed // DrawBox Draw window frame and fill (centered on screen with specified x/y dimensions) // DrawText Draw text in proscribed font (centered on screen) // PrintMessage Draws box and prints message // ClearMessage Clears message // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define BORDER_BLUE 0 #define BORDER_GRAY 1 #define BORDER_GRAYINVERT 2 #define BORDER_ROTT 3 #define BORDER_BLAKESOLID 4 #define BORDER_BLAKE 5 int M_STARTID = -10000; int M_SCREENW = 320; int M_SCREENH = 200 - 32; //Control Allocation int ControlID; //Frames int arrFrames[6][11] = { //Array of frame images... Last two entries are Width and Height Padding, respectively {"B_F", "B_UL", "B_BL", "B_U", "B_B", "B_UR", "B_BR", "B_L", "B_R", 16, 16}, {"BG_F", "BG_UL", "BG_BL", "BG_U", "BG_B", "BG_UR", "BG_BR", "BG_L", "BG_R", 0, 0}, {"BG2_F", "BG2_UL", "BG2_BL", "BG2_U", "BG2_B", "BG2_UR", "BG2_BR", "BG2_L", "BG2_R", 0, 0}, {"WINDOW5", "WINDOW1", "WINDOW7", "WINDOW2", "WINDOW8", "WINDOW3", "WINDOW9", "WINDOW4", "WINDOW6", 20, 20}, //ROTT Frame {"BKG_F", "BKG_UL", "BKG_BL", "BKG_U", "BKG_B", "BKG_UR", "BKG_BR", "BKG_L", "BKG_R", 0, 0}, {"BKG2_F", "BKG2_UL", "BKG2_BL", "BKG2_U", "BKG2_B", "BKG2_UR", "BKG2_BR", "BKG2_L", "BKG2_R", 16, 16} }; int FontCount = 6; str ArrFonts[6][3] = { //Array of fonts... Last two entries are average Width and Height, respectively {"TinyFont", 5, 6}, {"WolfFntL", 9, 13}, {"SmallFont", 9, 13}, {"MedFont", 9, 18}, {"BigFont", 14, 20}, {"CONFONT", 8, 8} }; Function int FontIndex(str Font) { int Index = -1; For (int f = 0; f < FontCount; f++) { If (strCmp(Font, ArrFonts[f][0]) == 0) Index = f; } return Index; } function int CheckMovement(void) { int Keys = GetPlayerInput(-1, INPUT_BUTTONS); If (Keys & BT_FORWARD) return 1; Else If (Keys & BT_BACK) return -1; Else If (Keys & BT_LEFT || Keys & BT_MOVELEFT) return -2; Else If (Keys & BT_RIGHT || Keys & BT_MOVERIGHT) return 2; return 0; } function int CheckKeys(void) { int Keys = GetPlayerInput(-1, INPUT_BUTTONS); If (keys & BT_ATTACK) return 1; Else If (keys & BT_USE) return 2; return 0; } Function int KeyPressed(void) { int Inputs = GetPlayerInput(-1, INPUT_BUTTONS); int Pitch = GetPlayerInput(-1, INPUT_PITCH); int Yaw = GetPlayerInput(-1, INPUT_YAW); int ReturnVal = False; If ((Inputs != GetPlayerInput(-1, INPUT_OLDBUTTONS)) || (Pitch != 0) || (Yaw != 0)) ReturnVal = Inputs; return ReturnVal; } function int DrawBox(int boxW, int boxH, int Frame) { int msgID = ControlID--; int modW = boxW % 8; int modH = boxH % 8; int boxX = (M_SCREENW - boxW) / 2; int boxY = (M_SCREENH - boxH) / 2; boxW = (boxW / 8) * 8; boxH = (boxH / 8) * 8; SetFont(arrFrames[Frame][0]); For (int fx = modW; fx <= boxW - 8 + modW; fx+=7) { For (int fy = modH; fy <= boxH - 8 + modH; fy+=7) { HudMessage(s:"A"; HUDMSG_PLAIN, ControlID--, CR_UNTRANSLATED, (boxX + fx) * 1.0 + 0.1, (boxY + fy) * 1.0 + 0.1, 0); } } For (int w = modW; w <= boxW - 8 + modW; w+=7) { SetFont(arrFrames[Frame][3]); HudMessage(s:"A"; HUDMSG_PLAIN, ControlID--, CR_UNTRANSLATED, (boxX + w) * 1.0 + 0.1, boxY * 1.0 + 0.1, 0); SetFont(arrFrames[Frame][4]); HudMessage(s:"A"; HUDMSG_PLAIN, ControlID--, CR_UNTRANSLATED, (boxX + w) * 1.0 + 0.1, (boxY + boxH + modH - 8) * 1.0 + 0.1, 0); } For (int h = modH; h <= boxH - 8 + modH; h+=7) { SetFont(arrFrames[Frame][7]); HudMessage(s:"A"; HUDMSG_PLAIN, ControlID--, CR_UNTRANSLATED, boxX * 1.0 + 0.1, (boxY + h) * 1.0 + 0.1, 0); SetFont(arrFrames[Frame][8]); HudMessage(s:"A"; HUDMSG_PLAIN, ControlID--, CR_UNTRANSLATED, (boxX + boxW + modW - 8) * 1.0 + 0.1, (boxY + h) * 1.0 + 0.1, 0); } SetFont(arrFrames[Frame][1]); HudMessage(s:"A"; HUDMSG_PLAIN, ControlID--, CR_UNTRANSLATED, boxX * 1.0 + 0.1, boxY * 1.0 + 0.1, 0); SetFont(arrFrames[Frame][2]); HudMessage(s:"A"; HUDMSG_PLAIN, ControlID--, CR_UNTRANSLATED, boxX * 1.0 + 0.1, (boxY + boxH + modH - 8) * 1.0 + 0.1, 0); SetFont(arrFrames[Frame][5]); HudMessage(s:"A"; HUDMSG_PLAIN, ControlID--, CR_UNTRANSLATED, (boxX + boxW + modW - 8) * 1.0 + 0.1, boxY * 1.0 + 0.1, 0); SetFont(arrFrames[Frame][6]); HudMessage(s:"A"; HUDMSG_PLAIN, ControlID--, CR_UNTRANSLATED, (boxX + boxW + modW - 8) * 1.0 + 0.1, (boxY + boxH + modH - 8) * 1.0 + 0.1, 0); return msgID; } Function int DrawText(int textX, int textY, str Text, str Font, str Color) { SetFont(Font); If (!Color) Color = "TrueBlack"; HudMessage(s:Text; HUDMSG_COLORSTRING, ControlID--, Color, textX - 1.0, textY - 1.0, 0); return ControlID; } global int 50:Message[]; Function int PrintMessage (str Text, str Font, str Color, int Frame, int MsgWidth, int MsgHeight) { ClearMessage(False); SetHudSize(M_SCREENW, M_SCREENH, 0); If (!ControlID) ControlID = M_STARTID; ACS_NamedExecute("Freeze", 0, True); SetPlayerProperty(0, 0, PROP_TOTALLYFROZEN); If (MsgWidth==0 || MsgHeight==0) { int DefinedHeight = MsgHeight; int DefinedWidth = MsgWidth; int LineWidth = 0; int CharWidth = ArrFonts[FontIndex(Font)][1]; int CharHeight = ArrFonts[FontIndex(Font)][2]; MsgHeight = CharHeight; StrCpy(a:Message, Text); For (int t = 0; t <= StrLen(Text); t++) { If (Message[t]=='\n') { If (LineWidth > MsgWidth) { MsgWidth = LineWidth; } LineWidth = 0; MsgHeight += CharHeight; } Else { LineWidth += CharWidth; } } MsgHeight = MsgHeight + 10; If (LineWidth + 10 > MsgWidth) MsgWidth = LineWidth + 10; MsgWidth += arrFrames[Frame][9]; MsgHeight += arrFrames[Frame][10]; If(DefinedHeight > 0 && DefinedHeight > MsgHeight) MsgHeight = DefinedHeight; If(DefinedWidth > 0 && DefinedWidth > MsgWidth) MsgWidth = DefinedWidth; } DrawBox(MsgWidth, MsgHeight, Frame); DrawText(M_SCREENW / 2 * 1.0, M_SCREENH / 2 * 1.0, Text, Font, Color); return true; } function void ClearMessage(bool Freeze) { For (int b = M_STARTID; b >= ControlID; b--) HudMessage(s:""; HUDMSG_PLAIN, b, 0, 0, 0, 0); ControlID = M_STARTID; If (Freeze) { ACS_NamedExecute("Freeze", 0, False); SetPlayerProperty(0, 0, PROP_TOTALLYFROZEN); } } Script "TestMessage" (void) { PrintMessage ( "This is a test message!\n\nIsn't it awesome?\n\nWoohoo!!!!!", "TinyFont", "Gray", BORDER_ROTT, 0, 0); //Leave as 0, 0 to try to approximate correct window size Delay(1); While(!KeyPressed()) Delay(1); ClearMessage(True); } /* PrintMessage ( "Debugging keys are\nnow available!", "WOLFFNTL", "TrueBlack", BORDER_GRAY, 182, 37); PrintMessage ( "You now have 100% Health,\n99 Ammo and both Keys!\n\nNote that you have basically\neliminated your chances of\ngetting a high score!", "WOLFFNTL", "TrueBlack", BORDER_GRAY, 267, 89); PrintMessage ( "Please select \"Read This!\"\nfrom the Options menu to\nfind out how to order this\nepisode from Apogee.", "WOLFFNTL", "TrueBlack", BORDER_GRAY, 251, 63); PrintMessage ( "God mode ON", "WOLFFNTS", "TrueBlack", BORDER_BLUE, 112, 32); PrintMessage ( "God mode OFF", "WOLFFNTS", "TrueBlack", BORDER_BLUE, 112, 32); PrintMessage ( "Free items!", "WOLFFNTS", "TrueBlack", BORDER_BLUE, 112, 40); PrintMessage ( "This is a test message!\n\nIsn't it awesome?\n\nWoohoo!!!!!", "WOLFFNTL", "TrueBlack", BORDER_GRAY, 0, 0); */